
Newsletter, December 2014

The year is almost over (went by quick, didn't it?), but the holiday slowdown is something we don't experience much here at GreenQloud HQ. Read on to see what we've been up to and what's coming - besides the winter...

A quick look into GreenQloud’s past…

2014 was an exciting and "pivotal" year for GreenQloud as we broadened our focus and service portfolio to include cloud software solutions for the entire cloud spectrum.

Our CMO, Paula Gould recently reflected on our journey from public cloud to cloud software provider.

… to understand the present

Our increased focus on QStack™ and improving it’s already rich feature set, while simultaneously partnering with key customers to deliver compelling cloud services internationally has taken precedent in recent months.

Here are some of our other recent activities:

We were busy both at home…

We adopted Meteor very early on, and used it to bring our revered dashboard to life – from public cloud all the way to making it into one of the main differentiators of QStack™.

When the opportunity presented itself, we were more than happy to host the Icelandic chapter of the 2014 Worldwide Meteor Day, and we had a lot of fun!

We also sponsored the gathering in Seattle. Our fearless co-founder Eiki relocated there, and he was able to give a great presentation!

… away…

Last month we travelled to visit customers, attend events and present QStack to companies who expressed interest in seeing it in action.

One team of QloudVikings took our roadshow to Europe, stopping through Sweden, Norway, Germany and The Netherlands, while the other headed west to Las Vegas to attend Gartner’s Data Center Summit in Las Vegas to hobnob with other industry experts and follow up on QStack sales leads.

… and made the Emerald City a bit “greener”

From Las Vegas we headed Northwest to our new 2nd home town, Seattle, Washington. We officially launched GreenQloud’s US operations in Seattle this fall and threw a celebratory party this month in cooperation with Nuvalo, our first partner in the area.

Eiki, now a proper Seattleite, gave a fantastic presentation about QStack in addition to having a lot of fun with the people who attended the launch event.

A glimpse into the future

We felt both grateful and lucky to see considerable interest in QStack this year from businesses that are looking for ways to best manage multi-cloud environments efficiently and effectively.

With increased interest comes increased workload of course. To meet demand, we began expanding our team bringing on board more top tier talent across all GreenQloud departments.

We welcomed Grímur, Íris, Skeggi and Sverrir to the GreenQloud family – if you’d like to join our dynamically growing operations, keep an eye on our careers page for openings!

In case you missed it…

We covered a wide range of topics on our blog. Here’s what you may have missed in November:

Last word...

In Iceland, we usher in each new year with a spectacle of fireworks. By all accounts, GreenQloud’s 2015 will begin with equal fanfare.

We’d like to thank all of you – our customers, partners and friends around the world – for your support.  We’re looking forward to continuing our relationship with all of you and fostering new partners and friendships along the way next year!

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