
Learn How A Sedalia Workers Compensation Attorney Helps With Workers Comp Claims Law Office Of Rick Koenig

By Cody Rine

It is unfortunate when an employee is hurt due to dangerous working conditions. Workers compensation covers that situation in most instances. It is like insurance and protects the employee. If the injured party is confused a Sedalia Workers Compensation Attorney can explain how he or she has given up the right to sue the company for almost any reason.

Depending on state law and company rules, the benefit in lieu of a paycheck is paid on a weekly basis. All medical expenses resulting from the accident are paid. When an accident results in a fatality, the dependents of the decedent collect benefits similar to what is paid through life insurance policies.

No money can be collected in a court of law. Nothing is paid for the pain and suffering. No punitive damages can be paid even when an employer is negligent. Any employee working at a company under the regulations of the mandated agreement relinquishes his or her right to litigation.

A business owner is protected by law if hurt in that same incident. Controversy on both sides surrounds this enforced system. A new employee is forced to participate if he wants to work for that company. He is forced to accept Workmans Comp.

In some cases employees do not consider themselves adequately compensated for a permanent disability. The plan does prevent an employee from filing a frivolous lawsuit. It prevents the employer from being subjected to fraudulent lawsuits.

There is no way to avoid fraud attempts by some people. The protective coverage is to help both boss and worker. However, a few devious souls will still try to take advantage of the situation.

Whenever fraud is suspected, an employment lawyer can step in and clarify the situation. If the employer failed to pay the fee for benefits for his workers it is fraud. When an employee tries to collect benefits he is not entitled to, that is also fraud. If an accident occurs away from work, he cannot expect to have the coverage pay all the medical bills.

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