
Tips For Home Security

By Mark Mahaffey

If you are like many people, you would like to have the best home security but with the least expense. If so, then your best choice will be to stick with only the most essential features while avoiding excessive monthly payments and fees.

The main components that you will need in your home alarm system will be alerts on all your doors and windows. Knowing if someone has attempted to enter your house is important, and may give you time to escape through another exit. Posting signs outside your house that warn criminals of the presence of an alarm system is also a good idea.

CCTV is also a smart idea. If you put cameras up in various places around your house and yard, you can keep an eye on those areas that crooks may be hiding in. Consider putting cameras in your garage, garden buildings and even around areas with lots of landscaping.

Do you have sliding doors in your home? Sliding doors are a way that many crooks try to enter homes. If they can bust the door latch, then all they have to do is slide the door open and come in. Some people advocate putting a piece of wood in the track, so that if the crook manages to break the lock, he still cannot slide the door because the piece of wood prevents the door from moving in the track.

Additionally, consider planting some plants with thorns and stickers on them. If you plant a very wide row of thorny plants, a burglar will think twice about trying to push his way through the row in order to get to your house. The key here is to make sure you plant the row very thick and wide.

Finally, ornamental fencing will offer you great home security protection. Choose the kind of fencing that is very tall. The effort that a crook will have to put forth in order to get over a tall fence may be enough to convince him to just bypass your house!

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1 comment:

  1. When you move into a new house, change all the locks. Even if the previous owners of your home insist that they have handed over every set of keys they have, before you move in, it is still important to change those locks. Security expert Louis Wood, Defend It Yourself owner and LAW Security Corp. vice president, says this is one of the easiest ways to keep your home safe. After all, you never know if the family members of the previous owner, dog walker, or babysitter have a spare part they can use to let themselves in. Thanks all, Anne from Qld Diamond Security
