
The Basics Of Peer Tutoring Training

By Jocelyn Davidson

This involves the practice of giving additional or special instruction to a student who needs it. The student is normally of the same age or status as the one being tutored. This comes about due to the need for improving grades and cultivating better studying habits. Peer tutoring training is needed to ensure this extra attention is beneficial.

It is important to know that tutors are not reading teachers. They are simply reading helpers. They motivate struggling students to practice reading skills previously taught in classroom setups. Before they go out to the field, their trainers should ensure that they have mastered the necessary skills. They should also be given opportunities to practice and demonstrate the skills mastered.

Fun is an essential part of study. That is why a tutor should have fun study methods. This helps to ensure learning is memorable. Examples include putting students in groups in the case of activities that need cooperation. Role play can also be used. These methods enable students to express what they have learnt. Supervisors should check on the sessions once in a while.

Some students are normally disabled. Working with them is not difficult but it requires skill. First and foremost you need to know what they have. Second you should try and treat them just like any normal person. This helps them be comfortable when around you. When you encounter a problem, always feel free to speak to your advisor.

Remember your position. This means that you are a fellow student and not a professor. Do not act as such a professional because the truth is that you are not yet at that level. Work on the aims of a student and find out other ways in which you can help. As a tutor you should not take over the session completely but ensure the student is also involved.

An important skill a tutor should have is assessing. This involves trying to find out if the student has understood whatever has been taught. This could be by asking questions relating to what has been taught. When you need to correct them you should do it in a positive way. This encourages them and gives them morale to do better the next time.

To create a good study environment, it is important to at least start with a greeting. This is a way to familiarize each other ensuring comfortability. Also get to know the strengths and weaknesses of the person you are working with. This helps when dealing with trouble areas. You should often compliment them so that they work better.

The person you let out to the field should be trained on behavioral expectations, the use of praise and academic intervention strategies. Try and perfect them so that they may go out and perfect others. Tutoring has been proven to be an effective method of study. Many students have confirmed its benefit and advice others who want to improve their grades to try it out. Do not miss out give it a try.

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