
Great Dog Gifts For Your Furry Friend

By Garrett McMahan

When you shop for doggie gifts, you might be tempted by items such as stylish sweaters, doggie nail polish or trendy dog strollers, but does a dog truly need some of these gifts and gadgets? While they might be fun, there are plenty of great gifts that pet owners and pets will appreciate that also have a good use in mind. Here are just a few examples.

While it might lack the fun of a squeaky plastic hamburger or a cuddly stuffed squirrel, a set of dog training DVDs is a fantastic gift for a person who recently brought home a new dog. Obedience training is one of the most important components of dog ownership and it often simply is overlooked. However, an dog training program such as The Dog's Way, can keep a dog safe in many situations and eliminate many irksome habits that dogs have such as scratching, jumping, chewing on items they aren't supposed to and much more. These five DVDs focus on 12 easy lessons that will help you or your friend teach a dog to obey all the basic commands and make life easier for everyone.

Now we know that pets love to hang their head out the car window or snuggle up on your lap while you are driving, but that's really not a great idea. In fact, there are even a few states where it is illegal to have your dog sit in your lap when you are driving. Dogs also can be as distracting as children in a car, so a dog seat belt can be a good way to keep them out of trouble. Keep in mind, that the companies that produce dog car restraints are not required to test them for safety. One independent study found only one brand, Sleepypod, to be affective at keeping a dog safe during a collision. Still, they do keep dogs from distracting the driver, and this alone can improve driving safety.

You might have noticed that dogs really like to nap. They will sleep anywhere - on the stairs, on your lap, on a comfortable chair or under the covers with their head gently resting on a down pillow. Dogs also generally love their dog beds and these can be a great, and attractive, gift for a pet or a pet owner. There are thousands of amazing pet beds out there on the market, from contemporary beds to rustic beds that would look right at home in a hunting lodge.

Dogs love to nap and they love to eat, and their eating space should be just as stylish as their cozy bed. Providing a beautiful set of pet dishes can be an excellent gift. You can even pair it up with a lovely, washable mat to catch spills. You need a dish large enough to accommodate the size of the dog. A larger dog will need a larger bowl simply because they drink and eat more than a smaller dog. It's usually best to purchase either stainless steel or ceramic bowls as dogs might chew on a plastic bowl and could swallow a piece of plastic.

If you are selecting a gift for a dog, you might think that because a dog already has a leash and collar that they don't need another set. Humans typically have more than one pair of shoes and tons of clothes, but why shouldn't a dog be treated to a variety of different collars and leashes? Perhaps a dog needs a set for each season or a special fancy leash for certain occasions. Just make sure to purchase the highest quality leash, collar or harness that you can afford and make sure you know what size to buy so that the items are comfortable and safe.

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