
Learn How A New Jersey Law Firm Helps Domestic Violence Sufferers Escape The Abuser

By Lonnie Trevarthen

If a marriage has been determined detrimental to your happiness or poses a danger to one of the partners, a legal decree of divorce is the way to put an end to it. You will require legal assistance to do everything legally. If you hire a New Jersey divorce lawyer, you can be sure that your best interests will be protected.

When fear for your personal safety enters the picture, it is even more important to have the backing of an attorney. If the reason for seeking a divorce is domestic abuse, you will want to enlist the help of a knowledgeable New Jersey lawyer. Do not allow fear of repercussions to deter you from gaining freedom from the abuser.

The abuser may become more dangerous when challenged with losing the partner he or she wants to control. Legal advice and protection are needed. The client can be housed in a safe place while the divorce is in progress. A guarantee of confidentiality between attorney and client will allow the location to remain undisclosed to the abusive partner.

Children must be protected and removed from a dangerous situation. Safety from any type of domestic abuse is a basic right as is child support after a divorce. If one partner has been found to be abusive, it does not relieve him or her of the responsibility to pay child support.

Even visitation rights may be denied if the children may be placed in any danger. A judge may order supervised visitation. This means it takes place in the presence of a court-appointed individual, usually a social worker. Parents do not lose visitation rights easily, but it is possible.

The right to be free of domestic abuse, whether physical, sexual or verbal, is the right of every citizen. Remaining in a marriage that makes one uncomfortable or fearful is not necessary. A dissolution of marriage, along with protection in the form of a restraining order or jailing the abuser, is something an experienced attorney can be retained to help facilitate.

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