
Charcoal Labs Make Great Pets

By Nelda Powers

It is almost impossible to get the same level of loyalty and love that a dog gives, from any other pet. Like humans, canines come in all shapes and sizes, temperaments and colors. A lot of people, especially those with children, find that one of the gentlest and most loyal choices for family pet are charcoal Labs or their colored brethren.

This is a proud and noble breed that has been one of the most popular choices for families, hunters and special needs organizations for hundreds of years. Though the AKC only officially acknowledges the three main coat colors of black, chocolate and yellow, these animals actually come in a wide range of hues including charcoal, silver, grey, champagne and reds. It is commonly believed that the variations are simply blends or muted versions of the primaries.

The main characteristics and personality qualities are basically the same in all Labradors regardless of their coat color. A strong body, intelligent mind, gentle spirit and eagerness for praise are some of the attributes of these dogs. Because of their affinity for retrieving and the ease with which they are trained, this breed is perfect for hunting trips, being a companion, employment as a seeing eye dog or other special needs assistant and especially as part of Search and Rescue missions.

Labradors crave the company of humans and thrive on that attention. Though generally not hyperactive, they do love to run and play, and especially to fetch and retrieve. They will bring their people random gifts of items found laying around and will spend all day running after a variety of things including balls, sticks and even children who wander too far from the designated safe zone.

Not only do they love to run and play, Labradors have a natural affinity for the water, are natural swimmers and will jump in without a second thought. Like people, the do have to learn this feat so puppies may be hesitant at first, but once they get their feet wet, so to speak, they are very enthusiastic. Pool owners need to make sure that there are steps to help the dog out of the water since their bodies are not capable of lifting them over a ledge without assistance of some sort.

Although they look formidable and are impressively obedient, they usually fail at being guard dogs. When they feel their people are threatened, they may bark protectively but it is very rare that they will resort to aggression or violence. Affection is their biggest defense so they make much better babysitters.

This breed is medium sized, being between 55 and 75 pounds and 21-25 inches at their shoulders. They are thick bodies with a broad, block style head and a strong, very solid tapered tail that packs quite a wallop when the pup gets excited. It is their special double coat of fur, with a hard outer layer and downy soft undercoat, that makes them moderate shedders and helps keep them insulated in the water.

Charcoal Labs, and those of all other colors, are perfectly suited for human companionship. They have a lot of love to give, learn quickly, are obedient, intelligent and are very gentle with children, the elderly and the disabled. They do require quite a bit of attentions and need a lot of exercise, make great pets but do not function well in a security position.

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